Andrea Hill
"I help people have a more enjoyable and rewarding dating life."
What is The Dinner Party?
The Dinner Party is a heart-centric dating service that connects like-minded and relationship focussed singles, over an amazing meal. Personally curated events are hosted around the city of Vancouver, which entails a group of 6-8 people, equal number men and women, the opportunity to authentically connect and get to know one another, without the regular pressures of dating.

“I started the company because I saw the divide and discontent that was growing for those attempting to date. I had been writing about what was happening in the dating industry and interviewing people about their own experiences for over 10 years – people were not enjoying themselves, and for some, the new norm, online dating, had become a scary, time-consuming endeavour. In an industry that was speeding things up and in my opinion, creating a deeper divide between people, I created The Dinner Party as a counterweight, a solution to slow things down, so that people could be provided with the opportunity to meet complementary people, in an enjoyable environment to truly connect, and enjoy the process.”
The mission of the company is to create world love domination, one dinner party at a time.

How is The Dinner Party creating an impact?
It’s helping people enjoy their romantic lives again. To enjoy and savour the process of meeting new people to date, instead of it being a necessary evil to find a loving relationship. Less stress, more love – huge impact! And already my baby, The Dinner Party, has created a baby! In just over 2 years of being in business The Dinner Party can already brag that it has produced a marriage and a baby. How many companies can toot that horn?

What does your day to day look like?
My day to day is never the same. I could be meeting clients for their discovery session, fielding calls from potential clients wanting to learn more about the company, I could be hosting a promotional event, working on my website, answering emails, speaking on radio or as guest on a podcast, reaching out to media, or creating a blog post... and don't get me started on the social media...
What are the top 3 things you have got from being part of the Spring Roundtable community?
Where to start? I have received so much! Only 3 hey? OK, number one is support. Number two is amazing resources, whether that’s Keith, other Spring team members, workshops, their community mentors… Three, is a powerful sounding board. A place to sort through the entrepreneurial fog and have people that understand your challenge and can help you distill things down, so you can see more clearly, and make educated, instead of emotional, decisions.
Can you share what you’re looking to accomplish in the next year?
That the company continues to grow and be of the highest service.

Final thoughts?
In a hyper goal focussed world, it’s easy to lose sight of what is most important. I not only want my company to be of the greatest service to others, I also want to enjoy what I do. The two have to be happily married, or it just doesn’t work. I’m open to what will happen in the years to come, and I’ll start with tomorrow. If there is one thing I have learned this past year for me, it’s that it’s wiser to stay on purpose, to nurture my why, and be open to what may come my way for the company. To not get fixated on numbers, or how things should look. My why is to change the face of how people are dating, for the better – to enjoy themselves. To bring dating back to human connection and matters of the heart – as long as the company stays on that purpose, it will succeed.
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