Business Resilience Program Launches in Campbell River

The Challenge for Entrepreneurs in 2020

It’s been a challenging few months for business everywhere. We’d like to start by recognizing the hard work being done by everyone to continue providing valuable services and resources to our respective communities.

Since the beginning of the crisis and economic downturn, we’ve been working hard to do our part in offering continued support to as many businesses and entrepreneurial ecosystems as we can.

This began with free, weekly, and live webinars to help businesses navigate this period of uncertainty. As we hosted and facilitated these sessions, we quickly realized that making a genuine impact required us to dive deeper and offer support on an extended basis. 

As a result, we’re proud to announce the roll-out of Spring’s Business Resilience Program with a growing list of partners and communities. 

The Business Resilience Program is a 12-month, online program designed to help business communities assess their current business, identify their ‘new normal,’ create a plan to survive, and take action successfully. 

It’s designed to support businesses navigating challenging economic conditions – not just the current pandemic – including, but not limited to:

  • The sudden decrease in demand resulting in slower economic activity.
  • The rapid increase in unemployment, negatively influencing consumer spending.
  • A decrease in investments and raised funding rounds.
  • The considerable uncertainty around the present and future economic conditions.


Our goal is to build resilient entrepreneurs and communities across the country by partnering with donors, funders, incubators, accelerators, credit unions, and government institutions. That way, we can offer the holistic support needed to support businesses in the face of adversity. 

Our First Partnership: The City of Campbell River

We’re excited to announce that the City of Campbell River, in partnership with Spring, has launched its Business Resilience Program to businesses in their community.

Through its TECHatchery initiative, the City of Campbell River is on a mission to build economic capacity and resiliency in the community. Their commitment to leaving no individual and no business behind in this time of crisis is reflected in the incredible work they’re doing to provide support through webinars, bi-monthly group calls, and other resources that can be found on their website. 

Stressful times can be very isolating and we’re so grateful to be working with such a fantastic team at the City of Campbell River – one who’s open and willing to engage with other communities and organizations for the benefit of mutual learning and sustainable development.

Congratulations to the City, Rose Klukas, Leah Knutson, and the team on this milestone. For all entrepreneurs and businesses in the Campbell River community, you can find out more about the program here

Want to bring the Business Resilience Program to your community?

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