Category: Resources

Spring Activator celebrating B Corp recertification
Posted on: November 17, 2021 Posted by: Spring Activator Comments: 0

What We Learned from Our B Corp Recertification Process

Spring Activator just got completed its first B Corp recertification! What does this mean? B Corp certification indicates that a business meets a set of high standards of social and environmental performance, accountability, and transparency as set out by the non-profit B Lab. It means that the impact of our …

Posted on: May 8, 2018 Posted by: Spring Activator Comments: 4

The Comprehensive Guide To Raising Good Seed Capital

The Comprehensive Guide on Raising Seed Capital First off, let’s clarify a few things: We’re not investors – the advice we give here will support you in raising a round that’s most beneficial for YOU, not to try to prime you for expectations of dilution that investors are looking for. …

Posted on: April 13, 2018 Posted by: Spring Activator Comments: 0

7 Traits to Score a Unicorn…investor that is.

In my last article, 3 Secrets to Pitching Investors, I covered some tips to keep in mind when you’re preparing your investor pitch. Not all investors are alike, however, and as great as it is to get that golden opportunity to pitch, you need be prepared to vet your investor if …

Raising a Round
Posted on: April 9, 2018 Posted by: Spring Activator Comments: 0

Slideshare: Making Time for your Round

Getting Ready to Raise a Round Getting ready to raise for a round can be daunting for an entrepreneur. The process can be time consuming, challenging and nerve wracking. We’ve created a Slideshare with our top tips and strategies for making time for a successful and fruitful round as well …

Posted on: March 30, 2018 Posted by: Spring Activator Comments: 2

Capitalizing on an Employee Stock Option Plan

Employee Stock Option Plans grant stock options to employees of a company and many organizations use them to compensate, retain and attract employees. Stock options give employees a sense of ownership in the company by offering employees the right to buy a certain amount of company shares at a predetermined …

Posted on: January 20, 2018 Posted by: Spring Activator Comments: 0

Save Money: Perks & Discounts For Spring Members

Becoming a Member at Spring comes with a whole bundle of opportunities for growing entrepreneurs. For example, you can talk strategy with our Entrepreneur in Residence; get legal, accounting, and insurance advice from partners; and attend exclusive startup events in the Vancouver area.

We’ve also partnered up with a whole range of companies that offer useful services, tools, and products to offer you a selection of perks and benefits that will help you save money whilst building your business. Check them out below!