Tag: education

Posted on: July 13, 2018 Posted by: Spring Activator Comments: 0

Spring Around the World: Swiss Entrepreneurship Peer Exchange

I had the opportunity to spend a week in Switzerland for the Swiss EP Peer Exchange Program. 24 people leading incubators, accelerators, and coworking spaces around the world converged to help each other develop thriving ecosystems in their respective countries while creating sustainable organizations. Here’s what I took from that …

Spring Activator Weekly Idea Roundup
Posted on: April 26, 2018 Posted by: Spring Activator Comments: 0

Weekly Tech Roundup: April 26, 2018

More on Jobs Theory, Impostor Syndrome, the growth of Vancouver’s FinTech ecosystem, how to email busy people, and Adecco’s acquisition of General Assembly all feature in this week’s Tech Roundup. #TechThursdays 1. The Five Types Of Impostor Syndrome And How To Beat Them Many high achievers share a dirty little …

Raising a Round
Posted on: April 9, 2018 Posted by: Spring Activator Comments: 0

Slideshare: Making Time for your Round

Getting Ready to Raise a Round Getting ready to raise for a round can be daunting for an entrepreneur. The process can be time consuming, challenging and nerve wracking. We’ve created a Slideshare with our top tips and strategies for making time for a successful and fruitful round as well …

Spring Activator Weekly Idea Roundup
Posted on: March 1, 2018 Posted by: Spring Activator Comments: 0

Weekly Tech Roundup: Mar 1, 2018

A collection of real fundraising decks to learn from, a city by city review of startup funding, managing remote teams, creating inclusive workplaces and Walmart’s new grocery delivery service; you’re not going to want to miss this week’s jam packed Tech Roundup. 1. Startup Pitch Decks A collection of real …