Tag: engagement

Posted on: March 26, 2018 Posted by: Spring Activator Comments: 0

Calculate ROI — Influencer Marketing: How To

By Jennifer Yemu Li Chiang, CEO and Co-Founder Most brands are interested in gaining exposure, and choose to measure impressions — the number of times a consumer sees a post. That’s one of our metrics. But we also track engagement (likes and comments on posts, divided by follower count) and other, more involved …

Spring Activator Weekly Idea Roundup
Posted on: February 22, 2018 Posted by: Spring Activator Comments: 0

Weekly Tech Roundup: Feb 22, 2018

Read more about taxi monopolies, Vancouver’s Amazon HQ2 bid, Facebook group interactions, Cleantech Startups and the Amazon Key in this week’s jam packed Tech Roundup. 1. Opinion: Time for B.C. to move beyond taxi monopolies A committee of MLAs this week made 32 recommendations on how to regulate ride-hailing services, …

Weekly Idea Roundup Spring
Posted on: January 15, 2018 Posted by: Spring Activator Comments: 0

Weekly Marketing Roundup: January 15, 2018

This week’s marketing roundup looks at some actionable items to improve your marketing game. Improve your metrics, advertising copy, automate your marketing activities and create an effective launch.  1. 6 Engagement Marketing Metrics & How to Improve Them It’s not just about letting your customers feel heard. Engagement metrics, while often …