Tag: marketing strategy

Spring Activator Weekly Idea Roundup
Posted on: February 26, 2018 Posted by: Spring Activator Comments: 0

Weekly Marketing Roundup: Feb 26, 2018

This Marketing Roundup is all about content, content and content for your marketing strategy. We also take a look at what it takes to staying top of mind in your industry and Female Founder office hours. If  you are ready to incorporate video marketing to your content marketing, we are …

Posted on: January 19, 2018 Posted by: Spring Activator Comments: 0

Alumni Spotlight: See Together Media

In a nutshell, what do you do? See Together Media produces and spreads high quality video content for impact-businesses. While most marketing is designed to “sell” people or excite them to take an action, our content is designed to inspire people to take an action by digging deep to find …

Posted on: January 12, 2018 Posted by: Spring Activator Comments: 0

Real World Projects, Real World Impact

As a startup or small business, aside from trying to make a difference in the world with your product or service, many of us have little time or resources to dedicate to website or app development or extensive marketing efforts. It can also be a challenge to find the right …