Tag: measure

Posted on: March 26, 2018 Posted by: Spring Activator Comments: 0

Calculate ROI — Influencer Marketing: How To

By Jennifer Yemu Li Chiang, CEO and Co-Founder Most brands are interested in gaining exposure, and choose to measure impressions — the number of times a consumer sees a post. That’s one of our metrics. But we also track engagement (likes and comments on posts, divided by follower count) and other, more involved …

Spring Activator Weekly Idea Roundup
Posted on: March 26, 2018 Posted by: Spring Activator Comments: 0

Marketing Roundup – Mar 26, 2018

We all know marketing isn’t just about content, this week we look at using automation, new ad products, old-school marketing tactics and key tracking metrics and data that you need to watch closely. #MarketingMondays 1. 6 Automation Rules to Skyrocket Your Email Marketing Performance Email marketing is surely the most …