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How to Get Involved in the Impact Space: Beyond Investment and Founding

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Are you passionate about making a positive impact on the world but not quite ready to take the plunge as an investor or founder in the impact space? No worries – there are various ways you can engage with the exciting world of impact and sustainability. At Spring, we believe in fostering a vibrant community dedicated to creating meaningful change, and we have opportunities that go beyond traditional investment and entrepreneurship.

Learn from Impact Leaders

To gain insights into the impact space, consider following thought leaders in the field. Read books, attend webinars, and follow social media accounts of individuals who are making waves in the impact industry. Engaging with their content can help you stay informed and inspired. Spring CEO, Keith Ippel, is a thought leader in the impact community and by following his daily updates you can connect with many people in the impact community that you can learn from.

Attending Events in the Impact Space

Attending events is a great way to get involved in the impact community. It allows for connection to founders, investors, and people who are highly knowledgeable in the space. 

Here are some events happening in Fall 2023 you could join:

Women Led Impact Investor Challenge Finale 

On November 30th, 2023, Spring will be hosting the Women Led Impact Investor Challenge Finale. This event showcases innovative women-led founders from five emerging impact ventures. This is a great opportunity to network and make new connections. 

Get your free tickets here

Health Impact Investor Finale

Additionally, Spring also has their Health Impact Investor Finale coming up. If health impact ventures are of interest, this is a great way to explore 5 emerging companies and see which one ultimately wins. Another fantastic opportunity for new connections to be made. 
Get your free tickets here.

Volunteer and Collaborate

Look for opportunities to volunteer with organizations dedicated to impact and sustainability. Volunteering your time and skills can be a valuable way to contribute to meaningful causes and expand your network in the field. As well, you will meet like-minded individuals who care about the same causes as you.

Mentorship and Networking

Connect with seasoned professionals in the impact space who are willing to mentor and guide you on your journey. Mentorship programs can provide valuable insights, career advice, and access to a network of industry experts. Don’t be afraid to reach out to old or new connections on LinkedIn and start up a conversation. Ask to meet them for coffee or even virtually if that works best! Mentors and your network is out there, you just need to find it.