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The 2024 Deinfluencing Trend: A Shift Toward Authenticity and Impact

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Deinfluencing—TikTok’s 2024 plot twist—has influencers telling you what not to buy. Yep, you read that right. The same people who sold us mini waffle makers and 17-step skincare routines are now calling out overconsumption. But what does this shift mean for the environment and businesses that actually want to make a difference? 

What Is Deinfluencing?

At its core, deinfluencing is a pushback against the influencer-driven culture of overconsumption. Influencers, particularly on TikTok, are now advising their followers on what not to buy, emphasizing transparency over traditional product promotion. By mid-2024, videos tagged with #deinfluencing amassed over 3.5 billion views, underscoring the trend’s rapid growth.

Why Consumers Are Embracing It

Deinfluencing taps into a growing consumer craving for goods that are high quality instead of throw-away poor quality items. According to a HubSpot survey, 21% of consumers make purchases based on influencer recommendations. If people trust influencers enough to buy what they promote, they’re just as likely to believe their negative reviews—building even stronger trust between influencers and their followers.

The Impact on Impact Businesses and the Environment

Deinfluencing is forcing a shift in how consumers engage with brands, particularly those focused on sustainability and positive impact. As more influencers call out wasteful products and unsustainable practices, businesses with a true environmental or social mission have a chance to shine. This shift is also encouraging consumers to think twice about their purchases —a small win for the planet.

Opportunities for Impact-Driven Businesses

Deinfluencing presents a significant opportunity for impact-focused brands. A 2023 Edelman Trust Barometer report showed that 62% of Gen Z consumers want companies to address societal issues and be more transparent about the effect their brand has on people and the planet.

By focusing on their mission and doing good rather than harm, impact-driven businesses can tap into the shifting consumer mindset. Deinfluencing may signal the beginning of a more sustainable marketing approach, where real connection and trust matter more than flashy endorsements.

For impact businesses, this trend is an opportunity to stand out, as consumers increasingly seek transparency and purpose over trendy, instant trash products.

How to Leverage the Trend

To turn the deinfluencing trend into a long-term business approach, impact-driven companies can:

Become a certified B-Corp or promote your B-Corp status if you are one: That magical “B” means you’re committed to measuring and sharing real impact, and consumers love a company that walks the talk when it comes to being truly purpose-driven.

Authenticity Will Always be Valuable

As deinfluencing pushes back against irresponsible consumer behavior, brands that are mission-driven, transparent and give a damn will come out on top. This business approach is a chance to ditch the smoke and mirrors and build real, lasting trust with people who care about more than just shiny packaging and having the newest everything. It’s time to let authenticity do the heavy lifting. 

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